

The International Workshop on Algebraic Topology (IWoAT) is a series of conferences and summer schools centered around algebraic topology.

It was initiated at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in 2018, on the occasion of a joint meeting between the Chinese and American Mathematical Societies. Prior to Covid, in the summer of 2019, the 5-day summer school and 3-day conference at the Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences attracted more than 130 participants from around the world. During Covid, IWoAT continued with summer schools online or in a hybrid format, on the topics of equivariant homotopy theory and higher algebra. IWoAT saw its fifth year in 2023 and returned in person, with a week-long conference in July and a summer school in August.

IWoAT has grown along with the strengthening and expanding connections within the greater community of algebraic topology and related fields.

Upcoming events

International conference, July 7–11, Zhejiang University
Summer school 2025 , July 1–5, Westlake University

Past events

Special international conference in honor of Prof. Peter May at SUSTech
Summer school at Fudan on motivic homotopy theory
International conference at Fudan
Symposium at SUSTech
International conference at BICMR, Peking University
Summer school at BIMSA: “Operads, spectra, and multiplicative structures”
Winter school at SUSTech on motivic stable homotopy theory and synthetic spectra

Virtual summer school on chromatic homotopy theory and higher (infinity-categorical) algebra, hosted by BIMSA and Fudan


Summer school on equivariant homotopy theory, hosted by Fudan

Summer school at Fudan on equivariant homotopy theory

International conference at Fudan


International conference at SUSTech

Links and contact

If you have any questions, please contact the organizers at